Zerobarracento HOUMONGI DRESS
Zerobarracento HOUMONGI DRESS 2024 | Abbigliamento
Abbigliamento / Zerobarracento / Zerobarracento HOUMONGI DRESS 2024
Marca: Zerobarracento
Tipo di prodotto: Abbigliamento
Categoria: Categories, Kimonos
Houmongi (訪問着) from japanese houmon 訪問= visit and gi 着= wear, so it literally means "visiting dress" and is worn when you go to visit someone, or on the occasion of weddings (if you have no family ties with the spouses) and other formal occasions.
Ours is a kimono/wrap dress with wide sleeves, with special attention to the waist line highlighting it through soft and clean volume. Belt to tie, worn both loose and fastened, giving infinite versatility.
Available in lilac gray, pink powder and bloodstone.
The pattern is developed based on a zero-waste technique that eliminates textile waste at the design stage, specialty of ZEROBARRACENTO.