Abebooks Antlers afield
Abebooks Antlers afield 2024 | Casa
Casa / Abebooks / Abebooks Antlers afield 2024
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Tipo di prodotto: Casa
Categoria: ROUSH JOHN H. Jr.
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In 8° (cm. 23,5 x 15,5); pagg. XII, 225; con 20 tavole fotograf. f.t.; bella tela origin. con titoli e illustraz. in oro. VG. ** Caribou and Emperors of the Alaska Peninsula, Sheep hunt gets hunter's goat, hunting guides I have known, hunters I have known, hunting blacktail bucks, opening of deer hunting season, chamois in New Zealand, hunting Gemsbok in Namibia, hunting Elnad the world's largest antelope, Elk, hunting Sika Stags…. Codice articolo C9-0424
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